
My First Phonics Reading Library (Contains 20 titles)




1. Ape’s great escape

2. Lizard in a blizzard

3. Spider in a glider

4. Seal at the wheel

5. Snail brings the mail

6. Raccoon on the moon

7. Bee makes tea

8. Llamas in pajamas

9. Goat in a boat

10.Underpants for ants

11.Mole in a hole

12.Kangaroo at the zoo

13.Bug in a rug

14.Chimp with a limp

15.Hyena Ballerina

16.Giraffe in the bath

17.Flamingo plays bingo

18.Croc gets a shock

19.Crow in the snow

20.Cow takes a bow


  • Amazon 評價4.6顆星
  • Usborne原價$ 69.xx
  • 特價$ 33.xx
